About Rhuan Human

Hometown: Vereeniging, Gauteng Area Fishing: South Africa Discipline: Freshwater Fly Species Targeted: Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Smallmouth Yellowfish, Largemouth Yellowfish, Natal Scaly, Tigerfish, Bass, Carp Rhuan grew up in a fishing family and being raised on the banks of the Vaal River he spent many hours targeting anything that swims. He started out as a lure angler fishing with his father in local bass circuits and money trails. He caught his first Yellowfish on fly in the Vaal River and has been hooked on fly fishing ever since. Nowadays Rhuan spends his time in the KZN midlands fishing the pristine trout waters in the area and every now and then he visits his home waters of the mighty Vaal River.

Breaking The Surface

Breaking The Surface

“Rainbow trout are predators with a varied diet, and will eat nearly anything they can grab. Their image as selective eaters is only a legend.” (Albury Fisheries) 5 years ago trout was a foreign concept to me as a “Vaal” angler. What I knew of the species I got from fancy restaurant menus and watching Brad Pitt in that o’ so poetic fly fishing film… I spent most of my time targeting largemouth bass and […]

The River Kingdom

The River Kingdom

 “The angler forgets most of the fish he catches, but he does not forget the streams and lakes in which they are caught.” – Charles K. Fox My journey in fly fishing has been short compared to some… but rather than seeing my young age and limited experience as a curse I find it a blessing. I remember as a kid how excited I got when we went on family holidays or day trips to […]

On a Scale from 1 to 10

On a Scale from 1 to 10

The Natal Yellowfish or “Scaly” as it is often referred to, is endemic to the province of Kwa-Zulu Natal and one of the more common fish species that inhabit the rivers of KZN. They can be found in different habitats ranging from the Drakensberg mountain streams down to the coastal lowlands.   Although the “Scaly” has become quite a popular angling species, on fly they do not enjoy the same status as their larger inland […]

Its Dry But They Drink It.

Its Dry But They Drink It.

Anton Hartman with a beaut Smallmouth caught on Dry Fly The Vaal River is probably one of the most popular fly fishing destinations in South Africa. Every summer season thousands of eager fly anglers gather on the banks of the Vaal, armed and ready to take on the mighty indigenous Yellowfish. As the Vaal temperatures start to increase around the changing season the Smallmouth Yellowfish become active and will move into shallower, flowing water to […]