About Rhuan Human

Hometown: Vereeniging, Gauteng Area Fishing: South Africa Discipline: Freshwater Fly Species Targeted: Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Smallmouth Yellowfish, Largemouth Yellowfish, Natal Scaly, Tigerfish, Bass, Carp Rhuan grew up in a fishing family and being raised on the banks of the Vaal River he spent many hours targeting anything that swims. He started out as a lure angler fishing with his father in local bass circuits and money trails. He caught his first Yellowfish on fly in the Vaal River and has been hooked on fly fishing ever since. Nowadays Rhuan spends his time in the KZN midlands fishing the pristine trout waters in the area and every now and then he visits his home waters of the mighty Vaal River.

Winter morning Estuary session

Winter morning Estuary session

Yesterday was shaping up to be a beautiful morning according to Windguru. I decided to give it a go, and despite having lunch arrangements, planned a quick morning estuary session with my mate Cliff. We left home at 4.30am and found ourselves on the water in our little Quintrex boat at 6.30. The tide was on its way out, water was glassy smooth and the sun had not risen yet. Despite the most perfect of […]