Competition Terms & Conditions


This competition has been created to support the Roam Free, fishing conservation initiative by promoting the practice of catch and release fishing through the reward of videos and photographs submitted by anglers of fish successfully released.

In entering this competition you warrant that you are over the age of eighteen years old and agree to the following terms and conditions.

Only pictures and videos of fish caught and successfully released are eligible for entry into this competition.
All pictures must be submitted on the Fishbook App or through the website

Any pictures or videos submitted on Fishbook may be used in the publicity and advertising of TOPS at Spar, Fishbook, the Roam Free fishing conservation initiative and any other fishing associated marketing campaign. In submitting your video or picture, you agree to this and relinquish any rights you have to the material submitted.

The competition will run from the 1st of May to the 31st of October 2022. Each month, based on said submissions, winners will be selected for the best photo or video in the categories of Bait / Lure and Fly.

All monthly winners are selected by Fishbook, at their sole discretion and are not subject to any public interface. Fishbook’s decision is final in this regard and no correspondence will be entered into.

Winners will be published on the Fishbook website and through the Fishbook digital publication on a monthly basis as well as through any relevant social media or advertising.

All prizes will be sent by ordinary mail and said prizes cannot be exchanged for any other goods or any cash value.

No individuals involved in the development or management of Fishbook or anyone employed by the developers and managers of Fishbook or its associated sponsors may enter this competition.